Homeless Youth Legislation

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act:  Subtitle B of title VII-Education for Homeless Children and Youth

To improve the educational stability, access and academic achievement of homeless children and youth, homeless students have the right to immediate enrollment without records, equal access to all school programs they are eligible for, and may remain in their school of origin, if in their best interest, for the duration of their homelessness with provided transportation if it is needed and requested by the parent.

District Graduation Requirement Waiver for Homeless Students (E.C. 51225.1 & 51225.2) 

Foster youth my be eligible to be exempt from having to meet additional district graduation requirements and instead, can earn a diploma by meeting California state minimum graduation requirements.

Graduation Waiver Template    |    Graduation Waiver Flowchart

Partial Credits (E.C. 51225.2)

Districts are required to award partial or full credits when a homeless pupil transfers schools for courses completed.

Partial Credits Ed Code | Partial Credits Handout

Expulsion Notification (E.C. 48915.5 & 48918.1)

District are required to notify the district homeless liaison when recommending expulsion for a homeless youth. See the Expulsion Notice Flowchart below for accurate notification process when expelling a homeless student.

Expulsion Notice Flowchart


There are many local and statewide resources available to help provide advocacy and support to homeless youth.

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)
National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE)
California Coalition for Youth
Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (FMCOC)