Foster & Homeless Youth Education Services
The Foster and Homeless Youth Education Services program provides academic support and advocacy for children in foster care and children experiencing homelessness, so they may develop the skills and confidence to become effective students and adults.

FYSCP Technical Assistance Hub
Check out the FYSCP Hub where you can get the latest updates from your FYSCP Team and access resources to improve graduation rates, school attendance, and increase school stability in students in foster care.

Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC)
HETAC provides support and technical assistance to county offices of education, local educational agencies, etc. to ensure educational access and success for youth experiencing homelessness.

School Discipline & Notice
Navigate the discipline notification process for students in foster care with ease. Get answers to FAQs, contacts, and more!

Contact Us
Office of Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
1111 Van Ness Avenue, 3rd Floor, Towers
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: (559)265-4003
email: fys@fcoe.org
1111 Van Ness Avenue, 3rd Floor, Towers
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: (559)265-4003
email: fys@fcoe.org

iPlan Education Resource Guide
The iPlan Education Resource Guide is now available online and in App form! All the great information in our iPlan is a single click away!

Liaison Tool Kit
We've put together a comprehensive list of valuable information and resources to create the ultimate Liaison Tool Kit, and the best thing is... it lives on the cloud - accessible without taking space!